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Claudia Cabella

Claudia Cabella

Bracco Imaging SpA, Italy


Claudia Cabella completed her Graduation in Chemistry and PhD in Biochemistry. Since 2001, she works at Centro Ricerche Bracco (CRB, Bracco Imaging SpA) being involved mainly in the field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Optical Imaging. Her main skills are preparation of cell cultures and related tumoral animal models and use of MRI and OI scanners. She worked on MRI and OI projects focused on tumoral targeting with different paramagnetic and fluorescent probes and in particular, she worked as a partner in the European research project NanoAthero on a specific task aimed at identifying blood pool agents for atherosclerotic plaque stratification.


Abstract : Probing atherosclerotic plaque permeability using fluorescent blood pool agents in ApoE(-/-) mouse model