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Siek-Ting Yong

Siek-Ting Yong

Monash University, Malaysia

Title: Permeation of Hydrogen atoms through Dense Hollow Fiber


Biography: Siek-Ting Yong


It is crucial to achieve high purity of Hydrogen for the use in renewable energy industry. Purification of Hydrogen using dense hollow fiber is one of the common ways employed. The transport mechanism of Hydrogen from one side of the membrane to the other side involves a series of sequntial steps. It started with the adsorption and dissociation of Hydrogen molecules, then absorption and diffusion of protons, followed by recombination and desorption of Hydrogen molecules. The dissociation of Hydrogen molecules on the membrane surface plays the most critical role in the overall trasnport mechanism. In this work, a novel post-treatment method using aluminium nitrate solution was developed. The objective is to achive high Hydrogen permeability and ideal selectiviy in parallel by improving the morphology of hollow fiber via mobility control of polymer chain. Morphologies analyses including FTIR-ATR, DSC and EDX were carried out and the mechanism of chemical surface modification was proposed.